Saturday, March 22, 2025

With the override amount & date set, how do we grow smartly?

With the key budget item decided (amount and date for override vote), the meetings this week can get us into some of the other Town business arenas. 

The hot topics from the 2 question and answer sessions I held this week were focused primarily around the affordable housing issue we (and Mass overall) faces. Our zoning bylaws, as currently structured, need to be btter understood to see how we got into this situation, and more important, what we need to do to address it. That opportunity sets us up for the week ahead.

How do we grow smartly to increase revenue without increasing the costs of operations for Town and Schools? 

Two development proposals are on the dockets this week; one is close to a decision, one is just getting started. How does the redistricting affect the middle school program of studies offered?
  • The Planning Board meeting, on Monday, continues it review of the proposed Autumn Hill development for Summer St 
  • The School Committee meeting, on Tuesday, gets into the next level of detail on redistricting for high school and middle school schedules and course offerings
  • The Zoning Board of Appeals meeting, on Thursday, starts its review of the proposal for redevloping the Stobbart's property

In addition to understanding Franklin's Master Plan, there is a group of concerned residents who are educating themselves in order to advocate for smart growth. Smart growth is one measure we can use to help to ensure appropriate revenue increases to mitigate further budget issues. 

Find out more about Building Equitable Neighborhoods for Franklin (BEN 4 Franklin) on the web page where you can join the mailing list and join our monthly meetings to help with this effort.

*** For the week of March 24 - March 28 (as of Town site on Friday, 3/21 evening) ***

Library Board of Directors Meeting

Monday, March 24th Time: 7:00 PM 

Planning Board Meeting

Monday, March 24th  Time: 7:00 PM 

Design Review Meeting

Tuesday, March 25th Time: 7:00 PM 

Franklin School Committee

Tuesday, March 25th  Time: 7:00 PM 

Zoning Board of Appeals, ZBA Meeting

Thursday, March 27th  Time: 7:30 PM 

*** Looking back at the week that was ***

The Town Council took up the recommendation from the Joint Budget Subcommittee and did approve an override special election for June 3, 2025 for the amount of $3,862,672 to support both Town and School operational expenses. Now the work to get it passed can begin.

The Watch Listen Read series for the 6 Joint Budget Listening Sessions is complete

Town Council Chair Tom Mercer and I recap the March 19 Council meeting and override decision ->

The audio & video links forthe March 19 meeting can be found ->


For all the meetings and cultural events, check out the calendars at where each day, that day's events on posted on the top of the page

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Saturday, March 15, 2025

6 listening sessions leads to a recommendation for the Town Council to review March 19

The last of the 6 scheduled Joint Budget Subcommittee listening sessions was held on Wednesday, March 12, 2025. After continuing to listen for about 2 hours, the subcommitte then spent another hour to discuss and decide to recommend an override in the amount of $3.86 million to be held Tuesday, June 3, 2025. The Town Council is now scheduled to take up this recommendation and decide at their scheduled session, Wednesday,March 19.
"At the final JBSC listening session on March 12th, the Committee voted, 9-1 (with one member absent) to recommend the following: 
1) That the Town Council vote to put forth a $3,862,672 override ballot question to the registered voters of the Town of Franklin with the following ballot question language - "Shall the Town of Franklin be allowed to assess an additional $3,862,672 in real estate and personal property taxes for the purpose of the municipal and school operating budgets for which monies from this assessment will be used for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2025". 
2) That the Town Council vote to place the proposed override ballot question before the residents for a vote at a Special Town Election on Tuesday, June 3, 2025."

As this is the 3rd week of the month, in addition to the schedule of Town meetings outlined below, I conduct 2 Question & Answer sessions. The first, Monday at the Library at 6:30 PM and the second, Wednesday at the Senior Center at 11:00 AM. Both sessions offer a remote option. To get on that mailing listing, please contact me directly or use the form to sign up. 

You can also come to the Senior Center Thursday morning to talk with the Town & State officials coffee hour at 8:30 AM.

** For the week of March 17 - March 21 **

Franklin School Committee - Negotiations - Executive Session

Tuesday, March 18th  Time: 4:00 PM

Franklin School Committee Community Relations Subcommittee Meeting

Tuesday, March 18th Time: 5:30 PM 

Franklin Public Schools School Committee Special Meeting (virtual only)

Wednesday, March 19th Time: 6:00 PM 

Town Council Meeting

Wednesday, March 19th Time: 7:00 PM 

Ballot question text ->

Coffee Hour with State & Local Officials

Thursday, March 20th Time: 8:30 AM

No agenda expected, open session

Conservation Commission Meeting

Thursday, March 20th Time: 7:00 PM 

** Looking back at the week that was March 10 - March 14 **

As mentioned about, the Joint Budget Subcommittee met on Wednesday, March 12  resulted in the overrride recommendation. You can watch, listen, or read the details here ->

The School Committee meeting on March 11 revealed 
  • detailed info on what the redistricting does for busing (smooths out the ride lengths, and potentially reduces 2 buses, while handling an increase in ridership)
  • the facility plans for acommodations and enhancements due to the redistricting, most of the major items would not be done before September when schools open in the new structure
  • and finally, assuming the proposed override is successful, the sprts and transportation fees could be reduced

Chalkboard Chat recaps the March 11 School Committee meeting and the Joint Budget Listening Sessions ->


For all the meetings and cultural events, check out the calendars at where each day, that day's events on posted on the top of the page

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Saturday, March 8, 2025

1 more listening session, then a recommendation; School Coommittee to get lowdown on busing

You may fear of missing out (FOMO) but with this Franklin Matters Outlook (FMO), there is no need to fear, we provide the information on the key meetings for the week ahead.

The final listening session (in the series of 6) is scheduled for Wednesday evening, Wednesday, March 12 at the FHS Auditorium. Per Chair Mercer, the listening portion might get shortened to allow the committee to hold their discussion and come up with the recommendation for the Town Council. The Council is scheduled to review this recommendation and decide on March 19.

The School Committee meeting on Tuesday, March 11 is scheduled for an update on the redistricting transportation and busing items. We'll find out how many buses, the possible routes, timing, etc. There is also an update on facility work that would be required for redistricting. Based upon prior discussions, some would be done before September, some would be phased in (due to timing of resources and funding).

The full listing of meetings is shown here (as accurate as of the Town/School webpage on the evening of Friday, March 7, 2025)

Franklin Housing Authority Meeting

Monday, March 10th Time: 4:30 PM

Planning Board Meeting

Monday, March 10th Time: 7:00 PM

Design Review Meeting - Cancelled

Tuesday, March 11th Time: 7:00 PM

Friends of the Franklin Public Library Meeting

Tuesday, March 11th Time: 7:00 PM No agenda posted

School Committee 

Tuesday, March 11th Time: 7:00 PM

Historical Commission Meeting

Wednesday, March 12th Time: 6:00 PM No agenda posted

Joint Budget Subcommittee Meeting

Wednesday, March 12th Time: 7:00 PM

Municipal Affordable Housing Trust Meetings

Thursday, March 13th Time: 2:00 PM No agenda posted

Cultural District Committee Meeting

Thursday, March 13th Time: 7:00 PM No agenda posted

Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) Meeting

Thursday, March 13th Time: 7:30 PM

*** Looking back at the week that was (March 3 throgh 8)

4th Listening Session on Tuesday, March 4 at the Senior Center. Watch, listen or read the video replay, audio or transcript of the session:

Town Council meeting on March 5 included a review of the preliminary FY 2026 budget. Deficit now $3.8 up from $3.6M. Video link and two-part audio of the meeting; part 1 for "just" the budget, part 2 for everything else.

Town Council Chair Tom Mercer and I recap 3 meetings condensing about 5 hours down to 30 minutes. Police Station Building Cmte, Town Council Feb 26, and Town Council March 5 in this "quarterbacking" session.

The 5th Listening Session was held on Saturday March 8. The only one with remote comment participation for which about 10 folks joined the Zoom session.


For all the meetings and cultural events, check out the calendars at where each day, that day's events on posted on the top of the page

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Saturday, March 1, 2025

2 Listening Sessions, Senior Center closure, Town Council Mtg; lots happening the week or March 3, 2025

Yes, there are 2 listening sessions scheduled for this week. The first on Tuesday, March 4 at the Senior Center beginning at 9:30 AM. The second in Council Chambers on Saturday, March 8 at 10:00 AM. This session is the only one enabled for remote participation. 

At the Senior Center on Tuesday, March 4 and then the last one March 12 (FHS Auditorium), you need to be in the room to ask a question or make a comment. All sessions are broadcast and recorded for replay. A transcript is also made available. Oh, and breakfast is free on Tuesday at the Senior Center.

The Senior Center closes at 1 PM on the 4th and is currently scheduled to reopen on St Patrick's Day, March 17. Many events & activities have been rescheduled to other locations during the closure period. The Center is being closed for phase 1 of the repairs to fix the cold weather leak issue. Stay tuned for updates from the Senior Center on any changes to schedule during this time period.

A Community Conversation is scheduled for noon at THE BLACK BOX on Wednesday, March 5.  Michael Bobbitt (Mass Cultural Council) & Emily Devlin (Art Pharmacy) are featured speakers to assist us in exploring how Art Pharmacy—a nationally recognized program—will support substance use prevention, harm reduction, treatment & recovery in our community.

Wednesday continues to be busy with both the Board of Health (at 5 PM) and Town Council (7 PM) with scheduled meetings.

The Conservation Commission is scheduled to meet on Thursday, March 6 at 7 PM

The agenda and released documents for each session are linked to in this post (or show notes)

** Town meetings scheduled for the week of March 3 to 9, 2025 **

Joint Budget Subcommittee Listening Session at the Senior Center (plus breakfast)

Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 9:30 AM 

Community Conversation at THE BLACK BOX

March 5, 2025, 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

no agenda at this time


March 5, 2025, 5:00 PM

no agenda at this time

Town Council Meeting

March 5, 2025, 7:00 PM 

Conservation Commission Meeting

March 6, 2025, 7:00 PM 

Joint Budget Subcommittee Listening Session - Council Chambers (& remote)

Saturday, March 8, 2025,  10:00 AM 

** Looking back at the last week of February, 2025 **

Planning Board meeting on Monday got so heated, the meeting was ended. Shame on our neighbors for misbehaving in such a manner. Video link ->

Police Station Building Committee held its first meeting of 2025 and got an update from the full project team. Plans are underway to schedule open houses at the current station for the community to see the situation on why we need to upgrade. The Committee will also schedule some site visits to recently constructed police stations as examples of what has been done. Recap, audio & video links ->

Economic Development Subcommittee met on Wednesday and forwarded an enhancement to enable shared kitchen for operation within commercial zones. The Measure goes to the Council which will refer to the Planning Board for their review before it comes to Council for their deicsion. Recap, audio & video links ->

The Town Council had a short and busy session Wednesday completing work in less than an hour to enable an executive session on negotiation strategy. All the collective bargaining units are up this year (both Town and School). Recap, audio & video links ->

The Town Administrator's Adhoc Review Committee met on Thursday to discuss and get feedback from Town department managers for Jamie Hellen's review. The final version comes for the Town Council to approve at the March 5 meeting. Recap & video link ->


For all the meetings and cultural events, check out the calendars at where each day, that day's events on posted on the top of the page

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